Can a Moisture Meter Detect Leaks?
Can a Moisture Meter Detect Leaks? Moisture is a common problem with many building materials, including stucco, drywall, wood, and plaster. It can lead to structural and safety issues, such as mold, rot, and decay.
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Can a moisture meter detect leaks?
A specialized moisture meter is an essential tool for inspectors of these grain moisture meter. They are easy to use and provide accurate readings for wood moisture content and other construction material types.
What are the different types of moisture meters?
There are three types of moisture meters: pin-type, pinless and all-in-one. Each offers a specialized application and is designed to provide the end user with an easy way to determine %MC in various building materials.
Pin-type moisture
Pin-type moisture meters are the most precise and reliable in determining the exact location of moisture buildup. Using insulated contact pins, moisture is detected as electrical current flows down one pin to complete a circuit. When metal is detected, the meter alters the wave characteristics of the current to indicate an elevated level of moisture.
Surface moisture of building materials
Some pin-type moisture meters also have a search mode that uses probes to measure the surface moisture of building materials. This is a useful method for finding areas that might have been repaired and for identifying the source of a stain.
Pin-type moisture meters are a valuable tool for identifying areas that might have been leaked, but are not easily detected visually during an inspection. Often, mineral salts left in the surface of an area that was once leaking can create a higher meter reading even though the surface is dry.
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