How Often Should High Mileage Oil Be Changed?
There are many opinions about how often to change the oil in your car. Many auto manufacturers recommend changing the oil every 5,000 miles or 8,046 kilometers. However, the recommended oil change intervals for your car depending on the make and model of your car. It is best to follow the maintenance schedule set forth by the manufacturer of your vehicle.
How Often Should High Mileage Oil Be Changed?
Infrequent oil changes can cause sludge build-up in your engine. This tar-like residue is a sign of worn-down engine parts. The right oil can help remove this sludge and reduce engine wear, especially in older engines. Also, frequent oil changes prevent the engine from experiencing mechanical failure due to aging seals and compression.

Changing the oil is important to keep your car’s engine operating efficiently and reduce fuel costs. Some vehicles should be serviced more often than others, depending on the type of driving you to do High Mileage oils. You can follow your manufacturer’s recommended service interval by consulting your car’s owner’s manual. Most cars now have service reminder monitors to remind you to change the oil. These monitors measure how much driving is done and monitor the mileage.
Many automakers recommend changing the oil every seven to ten thousand miles. However, the interval can be as high as fifteen thousand miles for some cars. However, the automotive service industry continues to preach the 3,000-mile gospel to keep service bays busy. Even careful owners often dump engine oil twice as often as the manuals recommend.
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