How to Permanently Close a Pool

How to Permanently Close a Pool? If you have a pool that you want to permanently close for an extended period of time then there are a few steps that you need to follow. These steps will help ensure that the pool does not suffer any damage while closed and minimizes the potential for costly repairs should you ever decide to open the pool again in the future.

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How to Permanently Close a Pool?

Shocking your pool is a quick and easy way to kill germs, destroy organic contaminants, and free up available chlorine. It’s a great way to get your water chemistry back in balance, so you’ll be ready for the start of next year’s swimming season.

Before shocking, test your pool chemistry and adjust any chemicals as needed to ensure pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness are at desired levels. Then, use a granular or liquid shock that can be added directly to the water. more info

Chlorine-based shocks can be purchased at most home improvement stores. They can also be used in combination with enzyme treatments or other chemical additives to help boost your free chlorine level and destroy organic contaminants.

If your pool has cloudy water or a strong chlorine odor, it’s time to shock the water. When combined chlorine exceeds 0.3 ppm (Total Chlorine – Free Chlorine), add enough pool shock to break down the combined chlorine molecules and release it back to free chlorine.

Add Algaecide

Algaecide is a chemical that kills or prevents algae from growing in your pool service point cook. It interferes with important cellular processes in the algae.

It’s a good option if you want to kill off green or brown algae in your pool, and it works well in combination with chlorine to keep the water clean. However, it’s also a risky chemical that can harm aquatic life.

You should use an algaecide that’s designed for closing a pool, and follow the instructions on the label. Be sure to read them carefully and never overdo it, as it can be harmful to your swimmers.

Adding an algaecide when you close your pool is the best way to prevent algae growth during the cold winter months, which helps your spring opening go more smoothly. One quart of winter algaecide is usually enough to treat 20,000 gallons of water for the entire winter.

Drain the Water

When you want to permanently close your pool for the winter, it’s crucial that you drain it completely. Doing this will prevent water from causing serious damage to the structure of the pool and the interior surface.

The hydrostatic pressure of ground water can actually lift concrete or fiberglass pools out of the ground and float vinyl liners, destroying the liner. It can also cause metal walls of an above ground pool to collapse in strong winds.

To protect your pool, make sure to blow out all underground water lines with a Shop Vac or compressor. This will keep the water from re-entering the pipe.

Once all the main lines are blown out, you should close them up tight. You can find specific plugs at your local pool and spa store.

The next step is to thoroughly clean your pool, including removing all skimmer baskets and cleaners. This will help to prevent clogging in your filter and will also make it easier to clean the pool water again.

Clean the Filter

If you don’t regularly clean your pool’s filter, it can clog up like a vacuum cleaner’s air filter and stop working. It’s essential to clean it at least once a month during the summer and every other month in the winter if you still want to keep your pool running.

Depending on your type of filter, this can take several hours or even overnight. If your pool is large or gets a lot of use, you may want to consider cleaning it more frequently.

Start by using a spray nozzle on your garden hose to saturate the cartridge with water, making sure you get between the pleats. You can also spray down the filter with an all-purpose cleaner, if you prefer.

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