Roof Cleaning – How to Effectively Clean Roofs?

Roof cleaning is the procedure of removing fungus, algae, mildew, mold, lichens, and moss from residential roofs. This prevents the formation of these conditions and reduces maintenance costs. In addition to cleaning oxidation on roofing, roof cleaning may also extend the useful life of the roof. In case of severe damages, there are several methods for removing these hazardous elements.

Roof Cleaning

Roof cleaning can be done by either removing the algae manually or by using an anti-fungal solution that may be applied to the affected area. The most common method of removing algae from the roof is to make use of bleach solutions.

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Other solutions that may be used include borax and ammonia. For roofing made of clay tiles, there are some shingles that have been found to inhibit the growth of algae Roof painting. The shingles that are most effective in inhibiting the growth of algae include blue ridge clay shingles, Silver Shingles, and Double Shingles.

Another effective method of preventing the occurrence of algae and mildew on the roof is to make use of water-based cleaning agents like marine dioxide or chlorine bleach. These cleaning agents act as a fungicide and inhibit the growth of mildew and algae.

These substances are used in various roof cleaning applications. However, it must be noted that the concentrations of such chemicals used must be in the prescribed amounts or else they may cause damage to the roofing materials.

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