Taking an Opioid Treatment

Opioid treatment is obtainable in various forms. Prescription medications that are used for chronic and severe pain are generally referred to as narcotic analgesics (NPS), including oxycodone, hydrocodone, and morphine, which are the most popularly prescribed drug. There are also mixed opioids, which are highly effective in short-term pain management and relief of symptoms opioid treatment. Opioid use disorder and treatment are appropriate for patients who suffer from chronic, severe, acute, or recurrent pain. Because opioids have powerful addictive characteristics and the potential for addiction, it is important that patients and their caregivers obtain proper education and treatment for this condition.

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Opioid Treatment Overview

Opioid use disorder and treatment are offered in a variety of formats. The most well known form of medication is methadone, which is taken orally for the treatment of chronic and severe pain. Patients may also receive a prescription for suboxone, which prevents the receptors in the brain from responding to narcotics. Patients may also be prescribed buprenorphine, which acts in the same way as morphine and is less habit forming than methadone. Medical-technical studies have shown that buprenorphine produces the same results as oxycodone when used for prolonged periods of time.

Research indicates that over 16 percent of the American population suffers from chronic and severe pain and has an opioid addiction to medications such as heroin, prescription pain pills, and prescription antidepressants. The majority of people suffering from opioid dependence do not respond to traditional forms of therapy. Physicians treating patients with this condition are faced with complex clinical challenges.

Final Words

Because of these complex issues, alternative opioid treatment options have been developed that are based on treating the biological dependency on the drugs, while assisting patients in overcoming the physical dependency. These treatment programs are aimed at creating an environment in which drug users can overcome their cravings without facing the serious side effects caused by narcotic pain medications.

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